Joplin, MO

Shannon Marie Edwards

Shannon Marie Edwards heard God’s whisper calling her to be his brave warrior.  On June 3, 1985. No matter what was thrown at her He equipped her to handle everything in the beautiful life He has been writing for her. She was crafted into a family unit with so many to love her. God gave her two sets of parents, seven siblings, a multitude of grandparents, aunts, uncles, many with the honorable great title in the family lineage, cousins and friends. Along the pages and chapters of her life. God knew she needed one very amazing sibling. Where she spent all her time with. Living together creating a lifetime of adventures together, and so much love, laughter, shenanigans, tears and growing and learning. Taking on the world together. Through hours of jam sessions blaring music, dancing, ups and downs, caring for fur babies, and each other. She completed her mission trip here  to join a host of loved ones including grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, her son and daughter; other loved ones on July 10, 2024 for an eternity of Love on the other shore. All arrangements are under the direction of Ozark Memorial Park of Joplin, MO.

One Response

  1. Jennie Edwards says:

    Such a beautiful tribute to a wonderful amazing lovely lady till we meet again Shannon Marie Aunt Jrnnie loves you

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